5 Tips for Picking Your Next Page-Turner

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5 Tips for Picking Your Next Page-Turner

One of the common problems amongst readers or aspiring readers is which book to pick. Many individuals often put off reading books or simply avoid them altogether because they are constantly searching for the one perfect book that will provide them with a truly enjoyable reading experience. But, how to choose one?

These tips will help you choose the next book to read or start with the book that will interest you.

Read the gist 

If you are going for a hardcopy, usually, the back cover of the book will have a summary of the plot in a few sentences. You will get an idea of what the book is about and decide the right one.

Genre is important

If you are new to the reading world, it is important to pick books and genres you are comfortable with. This will keep you interested in the book and you will surely read till the last page.

Favorite authors first

There is no harm in staying in your comfort zone and reading books written by your favorite authors only. If you have just stepped into the reading world, this is a great method to keep you hooked on books you like. Slowly and surely, you will get a hold of reading and then explore other authors and genres.

If you are already an avid reader and have read all the books published by your favorite author, you can move on

Do not skip the classic books

When in doubt, always go for a classic. Classic books are always the best option to dive into. These are the gems that have been around for decades, even for centuries and are time-tested. One can never go wrong with the classics and it is always a rich and fulfilling experience.

Follow your instincts­

Most of the time, this is the best way to choose a book. I have very often chosen the books trusting my instincts, and they never fail me.

­­­Happy Reading 😊

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