A Comprehensive Guide to Literary Terminologies and Abbreviations

A Comprehensive Guide to Literary Terminologies and Abbreviations

If you are passionate about books and reading, you may have encountered some terminologies and abbreviations that are commonly used in the literary world.

Here are some of the most popular terminologies and what they mean:

  1. Bibliophile: a person who loves or collects books
  2. Bibliomania: excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books
  3. Bibliosmia: the smell or aroma of a good book or the act of smelling books
  4. Bibliophagist: a person who devours books, literally or figuratively
  5. Bookworm: a person who reads a lot or is fond of reading
  6. Bibliognost: a person having a deep knowledge of books
  7. Cliffhanger: an ending of a book that leaves the reader in suspense or uncertainty
  8. Genre: a category of books that share similar themes, settings, or styles
  9. Foxing: rust colored spots which occur on paper resulting from oxidation of both organic and iron impurities left behind during the paper making process
  10. Lectiophile: a person who loves reading
  11. Librocubicularist: a person who reads in bed
  12. Logophile: a lover of words
  13. Trope: a common or recurring theme, motif, or device in a book
  14. Tsundoku: to buy reading materials and let them pile up

Let us have a look at some of the popular abbreviations:

  1. ARC: Advance Reader Copy
  2. BL: Book List
  3. CR: Currently Reading
  4. DNF: Did Not Finish
  5. Indie: An independent author
  6. MC: Main Character
  7. OOP: Out of Print
  8. POV: Point of View
  9. TBR: To Be Read
  10. YA: Young Adult

Happy Reading 🙂

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